
What is the impact of the online medium on sales?

Online penetration has been increasing across markets in Asia and Online has been witnessing an increased amount of clutter amongst the CPG category. The key question that was asked of RainMan by this CPG brand team was - how many cases they actually sold through this medium. Secondarily the objective was to derive the role of Online in Brand strategy. In other words, the objective was to derive the drivers of sales of the brand and clearly identify the role of Online.

An econometric model was created by RainMan by carefully choosing relevant marketing variables. The variables included numerical, value weighted distribution, TV advertising, price, quality of distribution, variant’s marketing inputs and competition inputs. In addition to these a host of online inputs like      i-media impressions, search engine marketing and social media mix used by the brand in the past. 

Multivariate regression technique was used with Bayesian shrinkage estimation process to estimate the short term and long term impact of various inputs. 

The modelling revealed following action points:

  • Amongst all online inputs, only i-media impressions had direct impact on sales –One percent increase in inputs would result in 0.02 percent increase in cases sold
  • Media impressions along with search engine marketing and social media  impacted  the sales through enhancing spontaneous awareness of the brand in consideration
  • Other inputs like TV, distribution quality and relative price contributed  

The implementation of a new strategy with the help of modelling results yielded a successful result by enhancing the marketing ROI by 16% and helped provide a focused strategy for online media by clearly mapping its role and performance.